Hell is the most advanced Neo Race Spec Kyosho 1/8-scale buggy ReadySet ever built. There is a line of wheelchair racing and 8 of the last 10 IFMAR World Championships are won - the nearest manufacturer has only two! This domain is not a case - is the result of a grueling R & D and almost 50 years of experience in manufacturing and in R / C model segments - more than any other manufacturer in the world. The race is on a specific frame, which has built a worldSample, and this machine is to pursue a host of new features that put it at the awards ceremony at any time. In addition to the new world champion-frame has a specific race in favor of a new, extremely powerful KE25 engine exhaust, a new KT201 2.4 GHz radio system with 15-memory model, a complete set of barriers to improve performance -roll, and Big Bore shocks with 3.5 mm rods, just to name a few. The new engine has KE25 port competition, which actually pulls the e-mailThe violence, rival that of many competitive engines. Kyosho also offers unique zero-loss pull-starter, so once the engine is started, there are parts of the pull starter is engaged with the left engine, so there is no loss of performance. ABC rugged construction, a standard rear exhaust vent, efficient two-part head cooling, SG crankshaft, precision two-needle carb, and a competition exhaust system, lightweight aluminum, these are just some of the many functions. This is an engine...
Keywords: Kyosho, Associated, Losi, xray, Agama, Tamiya, HPI Racing, Durango, OFNA, Hong Nor, hobao, Hot Bodies, Mugen, 1/8 buggy, radio control, RC, R/C, Serpent, Novarossi, OS, Team Orion, Sirio, RB, nitro
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